
Luke 2.0

November 11, 2022

By Flukey Lukey

My name is Luke, I am a comedian and poet. I am also a stroke survivor after an AVM (arteriovenous malformation) ruptured in my noggin.

It was August 2018, I was 26 years old, and I had a bad cold. I got up to go to the toilet and felt a wave of nausea crash over me. I knew immediately that something was seriously wrong and asked my girlfriend to call 000.

At the hospital they diagnosed the bleed, and I was put in a coma for nine days.

When I woke from the coma, I was bedridden, I couldn’t speak a word and had severe fatigue and memory deficits – I still have cognitive issues (memory and organisation) and problems walking, which are a real pain in the arse.

The early months were brutal, but over time my perspective has changed a lot, which is why I call myself Luke 2.0.

Before my stroke I had always wanted to be on the stage, but I never did because I felt awkward about doing it.

Since my stroke, my attitude has changed. I put it down to acceptance and mindset. I don’t fight against myself anymore, which frees me up to pursue my dreams.

I feel a keen sense of responsibility to make the most of my second shot at life - for my family, friends and for myself.

So many people have invested in me so appreciation isn’t enough, I must live my best life.

I make sense of my situation and make disability more accessible by sharing my ups and downs through humour.

I love nothing better than to get on stage, crack a few jokes and read one of my poems.

Luke and his mate