
Clinical guidelines

Our clinical guidelines can be found on InformMe, Stroke Foundation's dedicated website for health professionals:

We are currently evolving our Clinical Guidelines into their next generation, in a three-year pilot project to build and evaluate the world's first Living guidelines for stroke management.

Also available are the National stroke services frameworks, which support the Clinical Guidelines by guiding service planning, monitoring and improvement of appropriate acute and rehabilitation stroke services.

Visit InformMe's Clinical Guidelines


Living stroke guidelines

The Stroke Foundation’s Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management are evolving into living guidelines as a next generation solution for health evidence translation.

This three-year pilot project will build and evaluate a world-first, online, dynamically updating summary of stroke evidence to guide clinical practice and policy development.

For more information, see Living guidelines for stroke management on InformMe, or contact

This project is a partnership between the Stroke Foundation and Cochrane Australia, and is supported by the Australian government’s Medical Research Future Fund.