My horse saved my life
By Cassie
In 2010, I was a fifteen-year-old with the world at my feet. I was outgoing, doing well at school and was playing sport at a state level.
I remember waking up and not being able to move my right arm. But at that time there was not much of a focus on childhood stroke. Although I was showing the F.A.S.T. signs, my stroke was not recognised until it was too late.
The stroke had a massive impact on my life. I was in year 9 at school and the stroke impacted me physically and emotionally. I couldn't continue to play the sports that I loved, which made me very depressed. My life was not going the way I thought it would.
Thankfully my uncle stepped in. He could see that I was struggling. I was lost and needed something to focus on. He bought a standardbred horse called King Rafa which I could race.
Rafa went on to win a few races which was exciting, and then when his racing career ended, I broke him in and was able to ride him. I still have my weakness on my right side, and he provides strong legs and the sense of freedom that I crave.
Unfortunately, two years ago, my uncle had a stroke too. Our horses provided the motivation he needed and helped get him out of his wheelchair. I believe if he didn't have our horses that he would have given up too.
I have achieved a lot in my life, I am a nurse and train racehorses in my own right. But I am most proud of overcoming the challenges that stroke bought me. I am resilient and more persistent than I ever thought that I could be.