My Stroke Journey
A book for survivors of stroke, families and carers
Available in English and 8 different community languages, My Stroke Journey contains everything survivors and carers need to know about stroke and the road ahead.
It answers the following questions:
- What is a stroke?
- How will my stroke affect me?
- How do I take care of my health after my stroke?
- What happens when it's time to leave hospital?
Il mio percorso con l’ictus (Italian)
مسيرتي مع السكتة الدماغية (Arabic)
Το Δικό μου Ταξίδι με την Εγκεφαλική Συμφόρηση (Greek)
मेरी स््टट््ररोक यात्रा (Hindi)
Hành trình Đột quỵ của tôi (Vietnamese)
If you would like a printed copy please contact StrokeLine.
Young and new to stroke? See our Young Stroke website.
Translations were funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.
Our Stroke Journey
Our Stroke Journey is a booklet for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
It covers everything people need to know about life after a stroke. It includes stories from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander survivors of stroke, families, and health workers.
Our Stroke Journey answers these questions:
- What is a stroke?
- How will stroke change me?
- How do I look after my health?
- How do I get ready to go home?
- How do I sort things out once I'm at home?
If you would like a printed copy of Our Stroke Journey, please contact StrokeLine on 1800 787 653 or email strokeline@strokefoundation.org.au.
Our Family’s Stroke Journey
Information for parents about childhood stroke
Our Family's Stroke Journey has everything parents need to know about stroke in babies, children and teenagers:
- What is a stroke?
- How can stroke affect my child?
- What treatment and care will my child receive?
- What do I need to know about life after my child’s stroke?
- What help is available?
Download Our Family's Stroke Journey
If you would like a printed copy please contact StrokeLine.
We're creating further resources to support survivors of childhood stroke, families, carers and friends through our Childhood Stroke Project.
After stroke factsheets
Everyone's stroke is different. From vision loss, to diet, to personality changes ... Learn about the effects of your stroke and how to manage it.